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Patuljasti glatki kit - Dwarf smooth whale


Caperea marginata 3.jpg

Ovi kitovi žive u subantartickoj naseljavaju južnu poluloptu  ,malo se zna o tome koliko ih ima . 
Patuljasti pravi kit, tajanstveni životinja  koji veoma retko izlazi na površinu, poslednji je živi rođak jedne drevne grupe kitova za koju se dugo verovalo da je izumrla.
 Zanimljivo je da ovaj mali kit od oko 6. metara I težine do 6. tona  .
Veoma je mali u pdnosu na svoje rodjake . Boja mu je od tamnoplave do crne . I zanimljivo je da ima 34 rebra vise od bilo kog kita  živi na otvorenom moru 

Dwarf smooth whale

.These whales live in the Subantaric inhabited by the southern hemisphere, little is known about how much they have.

A genuine real whale, a mysterious animal that very rarely comes to the surface, is the last living relatives of an ancient group of whales that have long been believed to have died out.

  Interestingly, this small kit is about 6 meters and weighs up to 6 tons.

He is very small in his relationship with his relatives. His color is from dark blue to black. And it is interesting that there are 34 ribs more than any whale living on the open sea.