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Резултат слика за šakal slike

 Šakal je životinja koja je nasličnija vuku. 

Kratka njuška , kratka dlaka i veliki debeo rep . Krzno žuto braon boje.

Težina odraslog šakala je oko 15.kg.

Hrane se čime stignu , veoma su  su plašljive zivotinnje ali ipak često napadaju i domaće životinje.

Ženka okoti oko 8. mladunaca u proleće. 

Zanimljivo je da šakali kada padne noć oglašava ju se kao male bebe .
 Imate utisak da su bebe u šumi U Starom Kostolcu mestu u kom sam ja odrasla ima ih  sumi preko reke Mlave .Čuju se tako kao da su  u dvoristu 



The jackal is an animal that is more famous wolf.

Short snout, short hair and large thick tail. Furry yellow brown.

Weight of an adult jacket is about 15.kg.

Foods are coming, they are very scary animals, but domestic animals are often attacked.

A female curses around the 8th cubs in the spring.

It is interesting that the jackals when the night falls are advertised as small babies.
  You have the impression that the babies in the forest In Stari Kostolac, where I am grown up, they suspect them over the Mlava River. They are seen as if they are in the yard



Ugrožena vrsta 

  •  Beli polarni medved koji naseljava Artik je najveci mesožder.

  • Bela boja krzna i salo koje ga obavija  dobro  stiti i maskira u sredini gde je veciti sneg i led.

  • Odličan plivač medju medama . tj najbolji.

  • Kada odrastu njihova težina je od 500.kg. do1000. kg. visina i do 3.5 metara kada se usprave 

  • .Ženke su  manje . 

Резултат слика за grad polarnih medveda
mama i beba
beli polarni medved 

  • Svake treće godine ženka okoti malog medu,  oko 28. meseci ostaju uz svoje mame.

  •  Mame mede  dobro brane svoje mlade i ne primaju nikakvu pomoć mužijaka jer se dogodi da mužijaci i ubiju svoje mlade. 

  • Radjaju se u novemru , decembu . težine do 900. gr. 

  • NJihova omiljena hrana su foke, a kako se foke stalnoo sele , meda mora da ih prati . 

  • Da li ste znali da na severu Kanade ima jedan mali gradić Čerčil . drugo ime mu je grad polarnih medveda. 
  • Svake jeseni beli medvedi su oko ili gradu  u potrazi za hranom . 


Endangered species

  •   The white polar bear settled by Artik is the largest carnivore.

  • The white color of the fur and the fat that binds it well protects and masks in the middle of the snow and ice.

  • An excellent swimmer among honey. ie the best.

  • When they grow up their weight is from 500.kg. do1000. kg. height up to 3.5 meters when they settle

  • The women are less.

  • Every third year, the female falls in the small honey, about 28 months stay with her mum.

  •   Mummy Honey well defends her young and does not receive any help from the mum because it happens that the males kill their young.

  • They are working in November, December. weight up to 900 gr.

  • Their favorite foods are foxes, and as the fishes keep moving, the honey must follow them.

  • Did you know that in the north of Canada there is a small town of Churchill. his other name is Polar Bear City.
  • Every autumn white bears are around the city or looking for food.





Orao Bradan je vrsta lešinara koja je na našoj crvenoj(crnoj ) listi 

.Dobio je ime po čekinjama  u kljunu na nazdrvama . .

Prelapa ptica drugačije zvana SUP STAREŠINA.

Povijen kljun , zuto perije na grudima , raspon krila oko3,5metra. povijene kandze.

Ono što je stvarno retko je da je ovaj orao viđen na Zlatiboru posle gotovo 100. god. 
Lešinar koji je posledji lešinar u lancu ishrane .Slični rođak mu je na Tibetu. 
Ženke su nešto krupnije, snese najviše dva jajeta bele boje  sa crvenim pegama i leži na njima 40. dana .

Ptica koja svojom lepotom i retkošću ostvalja bez daha. 

                                        Eagle Bradan
                                          IN SERBIA

Eagle Bradan is a type of leechard that is on our red (black) list

. He got his name on the buns in the beak on the rocks. .

The bird falls in a different kind of SUPER Elderly.

Bent beak, yellow feathers on the chest, wingspan of about 3.5 meters. clawed claws.

What is really rare is that this eagle was seen on Zlatibor after almost 100 years.
A lazybrian who is a traitor in a food chain. His cousin is in Tibet.
The females are somewhat larger, they have at most two eggs of white color with red spots and lie on them for 40 days.

A bird that, with its beauty and rareness, is breathless.



Резултат слика за sareni tvor
šareni tvor 

Ovaj mali sisar , pored toga sto je baš sladak , može da bude i veoma agresivan .
Ova životinja je veoma retka na našim prostorima
.Nalazi na crnoj listi zaštićenih životinja .
 Stanovnik je Evrope i Azije.
U našoj Srbiji se može videti na Kopaoniku  Peštaru .
Bele i crne šare na licu , kratke je njuške.Telo mu je prekriveno kratkom žutom  dlakom sa crnim šarama. A rep pa vidite i sami veoma je čupav .

Malecna životinja koja je teška do 2kg i to mužijaci , ženke su lakše.
Zanimljivo je da ženka sama odgaja svoje mlade.


This little mammal, besides being cute, can be very aggressive.

This animal is very rare in our area
. Found on a black list of protected animals.
  He is a resident of Europe and Asia.
In our Serbia you can see Kopaonik Peštar.
White and black pattern on the face, short muzzles. The body is covered with a short yellow coat with black flowers. And the tail, you see, is very rude by itself.

Males that are heavyweight up to 2kg, masculine, females are easier.
It is interesting that the female itself raises her young ones.


VAKITA  -  mali kit 


Prelepa životinja 

 VAKITA je sisar i   najugroženija životinja tj . na ivici izumiranja . 
Ona je mali kit koji se nalazi u Kalifornijskom  zalivu . 
Pre par godina imalo ih je svega 50. jedinki dok sad već duze vreme niko ih  nije video .
Mala zivotinja teška do 60.kg.i 120cm dužine. 

Veoma su slicne delfinima , pa ih tako i mesaju sa njima .
 A rado ih love .

Veoma malo se zna o njima . 

Znam da negde postoji neko ko želi i može da nešto uradi po tom pitanju . 
 Ja sada molim da svoju snagu , moć, novac koriste za ovakve stvari. 

Beautiful animal

  VAKITA is the mammal and the most endangered animal, on the brink of extinction.
It is a small whale located in the California Gulf.
Only a few years ago there were only 50 of them, until now no one has seen them for a long time.
Small animal hard to 60.kg.i 120cm long.

They are very similar to dolphins, so they mix it with them.
  And we love them.

Very little is known of them.

I know there is somebody who wants to and can do something about it.

  Now I beg you to use my strength, power, money for such things.




Резултат слика за šimpanza


Šimpanza je veoma intelegentna zivotinja , najslicniji su ljudima .
Naseljava prasume Afrike .
Šimpanze su vegetarijaci . Najvise provode vreme putujuci u malim grupama . hodaju cetvoronoske .
Zenke nose 8 mesci , majka nosi mladunce do 6 meseci na stomaku , a posle na ledjima , doji ih do 4 godine .
 Pubertet nastaje oko 7 sedam godina , sto znaci da oni ostaju uz majku bar jos dve tri godine , sto znaci do 10. God.
Zive u malim i velikim grupama , velike grupe broje i do 150 clanova .


Chimpanze is a very intelligent animal, the most elegant to humans.
It settles African pigs.
Chimpanze are vegetarians. They spend most of their time traveling in small groups. they walk four-way.
Females carry 8 months, the mother carries the cubs up to 6 months on the stomach, and afterwards on their back, they are breastfed up to 4 years.
  Puberty is about 7 years old, which means that they stay with their mother for at least two more years, which means up to 10 years.
Living in small and large groups, large groups count up to 150 members.


Majmun Sami je stigao u BG vrt 1988.

Mislim da je to bio  najpoznatiji stanovnik nešeg zoo vrta  .
Velka šipanza koja jestigla u nas zoo. Veoma intelegentana zivotinja koja je vrlo brzo naučila da slusa i čisti svoj kavez .
Svima nama je poznato da je sada vec preminuli direktor BG zoo vrta Vuk Bojovic prvi kome je on prisao i koga je najvise slusao .

Prilikom njegovog bekstva iz zoo vrta ,  šetnjom Beogradskim ulicama .

A bezao je dva puta .

 Sami je uginuo 11. 9. 1992.

 A u vrtu je postavljena njegova bista

                                  ovo smo ja i SamI

Monkey Sami arrived in BG Garden in 1988.

I think it was the best-known resident of a real zoo. A great chip stand in our zoo. A very intelligent animal who quickly learned to listen and cleanse her cage.

We are all aware that now the director of the BG ZOO Vuk Bojovic has passed away, the first to whom he had come in and whom he listened most.

During his escape from the zoo of the garden,and walking through the Belgrade streets.

And he had a fight twice.

  Sami died on September 11, 1992.

  And his garden was set in the garden