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Ugrožena vrsta 

  •  Beli polarni medved koji naseljava Artik je najveci mesožder.

  • Bela boja krzna i salo koje ga obavija  dobro  stiti i maskira u sredini gde je veciti sneg i led.

  • Odličan plivač medju medama . tj najbolji.

  • Kada odrastu njihova težina je od 500.kg. do1000. kg. visina i do 3.5 metara kada se usprave 

  • .Ženke su  manje . 

Резултат слика за grad polarnih medveda
mama i beba
beli polarni medved 

  • Svake treće godine ženka okoti malog medu,  oko 28. meseci ostaju uz svoje mame.

  •  Mame mede  dobro brane svoje mlade i ne primaju nikakvu pomoć mužijaka jer se dogodi da mužijaci i ubiju svoje mlade. 

  • Radjaju se u novemru , decembu . težine do 900. gr. 

  • NJihova omiljena hrana su foke, a kako se foke stalnoo sele , meda mora da ih prati . 

  • Da li ste znali da na severu Kanade ima jedan mali gradić Čerčil . drugo ime mu je grad polarnih medveda. 
  • Svake jeseni beli medvedi su oko ili gradu  u potrazi za hranom . 


Endangered species

  •   The white polar bear settled by Artik is the largest carnivore.

  • The white color of the fur and the fat that binds it well protects and masks in the middle of the snow and ice.

  • An excellent swimmer among honey. ie the best.

  • When they grow up their weight is from 500.kg. do1000. kg. height up to 3.5 meters when they settle

  • The women are less.

  • Every third year, the female falls in the small honey, about 28 months stay with her mum.

  •   Mummy Honey well defends her young and does not receive any help from the mum because it happens that the males kill their young.

  • They are working in November, December. weight up to 900 gr.

  • Their favorite foods are foxes, and as the fishes keep moving, the honey must follow them.

  • Did you know that in the north of Canada there is a small town of Churchill. his other name is Polar Bear City.
  • Every autumn white bears are around the city or looking for food.

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