North America
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Ovaj mali zec je najmanja vrsta zeca na svetu , mali su toliko da mogu da stanu u saku. Odrasli su veliki samo do 30. cm . Ženka je veca od mužijaka .
Teski su do 500. grama
Ovi mali zecici sami kopaju svoje jazbine , najaktivniji su u zoru.
PIGMEJKSKI ZEC je kriticno ugrozen u divljini zato se gaje po mnogim zoo vrtovima .
Žvotini vek je do 5 . god .
Polnu zrelost sticu sa godinu dana .
To je severno-americki zec
This little rabbit is the smallest kind of rabbit in the world, they are so small that they can stand in the sack. Adults are only large to 30 cm. The female is bigger than the male.
They are difficult to reach 500 grams
These little rabbits themselves dig their laps, they are most active at dawn.
PIGMY RABBIT is critically endangered in the wilderness and it is spread over many zoo gardens.
The bellows' age is up to 5. year.
I'll get full maturity for a year.
This is a North American rabbit