Albatros je ptica koju najkcesce mozemo srecti u subpolarnim morima . Pravi romanticari vaze za vece romantike od ljudi klaka pronadju svog partnera svo vreme posvecuju jedno drugom zato i vaze za vcelike romantike . Polnu zrelost dostižu sa 10. godina .Oba roditelja leze na jajetu 70 dana , hrane ga iz svog kljuna , za odprilike 3 meseca mali ptic je vec porastao pa ga roditelji nehrane tako cesto . Pare s svake ddruge godine . Citave kolonije Albatrosa za vreme leta se vracaju na ostrvo Južna Georegija .
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Albatros is a bird that we can most easily encounter in subpolar seas. The true romantics of the vase for the more romantic of the people call for the finding of their partner all the time consecrate to each other, and therefore they are vase for the vices of romance. Full maturity reaches the age of 10. Both parents have been feeding on the egg for 70 days, feeding it from their beak, in about 3 months, small birds have already risen, so parents are feeding him so often. Money from every year of the year. The entire Albatros colony of colonies returns to the island of South Georegia during the summer.