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Резултат слика за koala zanimljivosti
Koala je mali , lepi torbar iz Australije . Zbog posebne ishrane skoro je nemoguce da zivi na nekom drugom mestu.
Veliko krzno je i razlog zbog cega su ga pocetkom 20. veka lovili do istrebljenja . 
Teška  do 14 . kg .Mirna i tiha zivotinja . Polnu zrelost dostize u 2-3 god. zivota . Zivotni vek ovg slatkog torbara je oko 12. god. Mama koala nosi mlade u  oko 35. dana , a u torbi oko 6. meseci, a godinu na ledjima .
Ono sto je zanimljivo da koale skoro nikakda ne piju vodu , sto je usko povezano sa ishranom . Koala celi zivot provede na drvetu eukaliptusa , kojim se i hrani . 
 1971. god Koala je proglasena za nacionalnu zivotinju Kvislenda . 


Koala is a small, beautiful torba from Australia. Due to a special diet, it is almost impossible to live somewhere else.
A lot of fur is also the reason why they hunted him to extermination at the beginning of the 20th century.
Hard to 14. kg. A quiet and quiet animal. Full maturity reach in 2-3 years. of life . The lifetime of this sweet bag is about 12 years old. Mom Koala wears the young in about 35 days, and in the bag about six months, and a year on the back.
What is interesting is that the koalas almost do not drink water, which is closely related to the diet. Koala lives his whole life on a tree of eucalyptus, which he feeds on.
  In 1971, Koala was declared the national animal of Queensland.

SEVERNI SOKO - Connemara NATIONAL PARK- Northern Falcon (Polar Fat)


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Severni soko (polarni soko ) zivi veci deo vremena na Artiku i severnim delovima . tj na otvorenom moru .Tako da je ova vrsta sokola morska ptica koja je najveca od svih vrsta sokola. Severni soko je veoma ugrozena vrsta , a ugrozena je samim  klimatcim promenama .Teska je do 1300. gr velika je do 61.cm 
Veoma je brizna majka i svoje gnezdo cuva . 
Retko ali se moze videti i u Nacionalnom parku Konemara u Irskoj . 


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 Ovaj nacionalni park se nalazi u Irskoj u okrugu Galvej  . veoma lepo mesto koje obiluje bujnom vegetacijom i zivotinjama , planinama .  Prostire se na povrsini od 2957  hektara a osnoivan je 1980. god. Nalazi se u vlasnistvu drzave .Najpoznatiji je Konemari poni ali ja sam izabrala velikog Artickog sokola koji je veoma redak i tesko se moze videti. 

Northern Falcon (Polar Fat) 

Northern Falcon (Polar Fat) lives most of the time on Artik and northern parts. ie in the open sea. So this type of hawk is a sea bird that is the largest of all falcon species. Northern Falcon is a very endangered species, and it is endangered by the climate change itself. Teska is up to 1300 gr. It is high up to 61.cm
She is a very caring mother and keeps her nest.

Rarely, but it can also be seen in the Konemara National Park, Ireland.


This national park is located in Ireland in the Galway district. a very nice place with abundant vegetation and animals, mountains. It covers an area of 2957 hectares, and it was settled in 1980. It is owned by the state. The most famous is Konemari poni, but I have chosen a great Artic hawk, which is very rare and difficult to see.


jedan od najlepsih prirodni bazena na svetu 


Najlepši prirodni bazen u SAD je HAMILTON u Teksasu. 
Na 40.km od Ostina nalazi se jedan od najlepsih prirodnih bazena . 
Strogo čuvana  tajna od starosedeoca Amerike. Kada je Hamilton brat guvernera Teksasa kupio ovo imanje bazen je  dobio ime Hamilton . 
Prorodno staniste veoma retkih biljaka i zivotinja . Jedna od njih je i zlatoobrazna neofina . 


Резултат слика

Mali papagaj koji je velikisamo 20.cm i tezak samo 60.gr. prelepa mala ptica koja vodi poreklo iz Australije . Veoma mirna li lepa ptica sa umirujucim cvkutom .
Ovaj brzni par roditelja zajdeno brine o mladima . 

One of the most beautiful natural pools in the world

The most beautiful natural pool in the United States is HAMILTON in Texas.
At 40.km of Ostina is one of the most beautiful natural pools.
A strictly guarded secret from an American ancestor. When Hamilton's Texas Governor's brother bought this property, the pool was named after Hamilton.
The fertile habitat of very rare plants and animals. One of them is a golden neophyte.

Neophema chrysostoma - 

Blue-winged parrot

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A small parrot that is 20cm big and weighing only 60gr. a beautiful little bird that originates in Australia. A very nice bird with a soothing bliss is very calm.
This fast-paced parent takes care of the young.



Резултат слика за nacionalni park kruger

U Juznoafrickoj republici nalazi se jedan od najlepsih nacionalnih parkova na svetu KRUGER . nacionalni park gde na jednom mestu mozete videti veliki brj zivotinja , deli se na nekoliko velikih celina( kampova )a najveci medju njima je i kamp SIRAKUZA  . Njegova povrsina je 19 485 km².
Tamo imaju svoj dom gotovo sve vrste divljih zivotinja iz Afrike . 

Резултат слика за nacionalni park kruger

National Park Kruger

The South African Republic is one of the most beautiful national parks in the world, KRUGER. national park where you can see a big animal in one place, it is divided into several large units (camps) and the biggest among them is the SIRAKUZA camp. Its area is 19,485 km².

There are almost all kinds of wildlife from Africa there.

Yellowstone (nacionalni park)

Yellowstone - NACIONALNI PARK 

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YELLOWSTONE  je nacionalni park koji se prostire na teritoriju tri americke drzave : Ajdaho, Vajomnog i Montana . Kao nacionalni park je jedan od najstarih u svetu . proglkasen je marta 1872. god. prostire se na 8.987 km2. Zanimljjivo je da se u parku nalazi jedna od najpoznatijih kamenih suma na svetu .
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Staniste j emnogim divljim zivotinjama a jedan od njih je i SIVI MEDA GRIZLI 
Сродна слика
GRIZLI  je rodjak mrkom medvedu . Naseljava podrucije Evroazije i Amerike . 
Ova zver je samotnjak , zenka je teska do 200kg, dok je muzijak veci i tezi do 360. kg . 
Mama na svetr donese najvise dva mladunceta , nosi ih od 180-270. dana . Mam brine o mladima do njihove trece god. Ovaj veliki meda spava zimski san od 5-8 meseci . 


YELLOWSTONE is a national park extending into the territory of three US states: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. As a national park it is one of the oldest in the world. It was proclaimed in March 1872. it extends to 8,987 km2. It is interesting that the park is one of the most famous stone forests in the world.

Staniste jmnogim zivotinjama, a one of them is Gray honey

GRIZLI is a cousin of a brown bear. It settles the territory of Eurasia and America.
This beast is a lonely person, the female is heavy up to 200kg, while the muscle is larger and weighing up to 360 kg.
Mom brings a maximum of two youngsters to the world, wearing them from 180-270. of the day . Mommy cares about the youth until their third year. This big honey sleeps a winter dream of 5-8 months.