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SEVERNI SOKO - Connemara NATIONAL PARK- Northern Falcon (Polar Fat)


Сродна слика

Severni soko (polarni soko ) zivi veci deo vremena na Artiku i severnim delovima . tj na otvorenom moru .Tako da je ova vrsta sokola morska ptica koja je najveca od svih vrsta sokola. Severni soko je veoma ugrozena vrsta , a ugrozena je samim  klimatcim promenama .Teska je do 1300. gr velika je do 61.cm 
Veoma je brizna majka i svoje gnezdo cuva . 
Retko ali se moze videti i u Nacionalnom parku Konemara u Irskoj . 


Сродна слика
 Ovaj nacionalni park se nalazi u Irskoj u okrugu Galvej  . veoma lepo mesto koje obiluje bujnom vegetacijom i zivotinjama , planinama .  Prostire se na povrsini od 2957  hektara a osnoivan je 1980. god. Nalazi se u vlasnistvu drzave .Najpoznatiji je Konemari poni ali ja sam izabrala velikog Artickog sokola koji je veoma redak i tesko se moze videti. 

Northern Falcon (Polar Fat) 

Northern Falcon (Polar Fat) lives most of the time on Artik and northern parts. ie in the open sea. So this type of hawk is a sea bird that is the largest of all falcon species. Northern Falcon is a very endangered species, and it is endangered by the climate change itself. Teska is up to 1300 gr. It is high up to 61.cm
She is a very caring mother and keeps her nest.

Rarely, but it can also be seen in the Konemara National Park, Ireland.


This national park is located in Ireland in the Galway district. a very nice place with abundant vegetation and animals, mountains. It covers an area of 2957 hectares, and it was settled in 1980. It is owned by the state. The most famous is Konemari poni, but I have chosen a great Artic hawk, which is very rare and difficult to see.

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