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Резултат слика за koala zanimljivosti
Koala je mali , lepi torbar iz Australije . Zbog posebne ishrane skoro je nemoguce da zivi na nekom drugom mestu.
Veliko krzno je i razlog zbog cega su ga pocetkom 20. veka lovili do istrebljenja . 
Teška  do 14 . kg .Mirna i tiha zivotinja . Polnu zrelost dostize u 2-3 god. zivota . Zivotni vek ovg slatkog torbara je oko 12. god. Mama koala nosi mlade u  oko 35. dana , a u torbi oko 6. meseci, a godinu na ledjima .
Ono sto je zanimljivo da koale skoro nikakda ne piju vodu , sto je usko povezano sa ishranom . Koala celi zivot provede na drvetu eukaliptusa , kojim se i hrani . 
 1971. god Koala je proglasena za nacionalnu zivotinju Kvislenda . 


Koala is a small, beautiful torba from Australia. Due to a special diet, it is almost impossible to live somewhere else.
A lot of fur is also the reason why they hunted him to extermination at the beginning of the 20th century.
Hard to 14. kg. A quiet and quiet animal. Full maturity reach in 2-3 years. of life . The lifetime of this sweet bag is about 12 years old. Mom Koala wears the young in about 35 days, and in the bag about six months, and a year on the back.
What is interesting is that the koalas almost do not drink water, which is closely related to the diet. Koala lives his whole life on a tree of eucalyptus, which he feeds on.
  In 1971, Koala was declared the national animal of Queensland.

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