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Yellowstone (nacionalni park)

Yellowstone - NACIONALNI PARK 

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YELLOWSTONE  je nacionalni park koji se prostire na teritoriju tri americke drzave : Ajdaho, Vajomnog i Montana . Kao nacionalni park je jedan od najstarih u svetu . proglkasen je marta 1872. god. prostire se na 8.987 km2. Zanimljjivo je da se u parku nalazi jedna od najpoznatijih kamenih suma na svetu .
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Staniste j emnogim divljim zivotinjama a jedan od njih je i SIVI MEDA GRIZLI 
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GRIZLI  je rodjak mrkom medvedu . Naseljava podrucije Evroazije i Amerike . 
Ova zver je samotnjak , zenka je teska do 200kg, dok je muzijak veci i tezi do 360. kg . 
Mama na svetr donese najvise dva mladunceta , nosi ih od 180-270. dana . Mam brine o mladima do njihove trece god. Ovaj veliki meda spava zimski san od 5-8 meseci . 


YELLOWSTONE is a national park extending into the territory of three US states: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. As a national park it is one of the oldest in the world. It was proclaimed in March 1872. it extends to 8,987 km2. It is interesting that the park is one of the most famous stone forests in the world.

Staniste jmnogim zivotinjama, a one of them is Gray honey

GRIZLI is a cousin of a brown bear. It settles the territory of Eurasia and America.
This beast is a lonely person, the female is heavy up to 200kg, while the muscle is larger and weighing up to 360 kg.
Mom brings a maximum of two youngsters to the world, wearing them from 180-270. of the day . Mommy cares about the youth until their third year. This big honey sleeps a winter dream of 5-8 months.

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