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BELOKLJUNI DETLIC - White beak woodpecker


Belokljuni detlić

BELOKLJUNI  DETLIĆ  je ptica stanarica je pravi dzin  medju detlicima . Naseljava jugoistocnu Ameriku i Kubu . Ovaj detlić je medju najugrozenijim vrstama smatra se da je gotovo izcezla , čovek je  najveci krivac zbog gubitka ovako lepe ptice . Mama detlic snese 7-10 belih jaja na kojima leze i mama i tata , kroz 12. dana izlegu se mali ptici .Pravi svoje gnezo u drvetu . 

 White beak woodpecker

 White beak woodpecker is a bird of a tanner is a real dzin among the children. It settles Southeastern America and Cuba. This clover is among the most endangered species, it is thought to have almost disappeared, the man is the biggest culprit for losing such a beautiful bird. Mama detlic snakes 7-10 white eggs on which both mother and dad lie, for the 12th day the small bird leapt out. Make your nest in the tree.

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