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Сродна слика
Saola ili azijski jednorog je vrsta goveceta  koja je veoma ugrozena i preti joj izumiranje . Živi na granici Vietnama i Laosa u monsunskim sumama nadmorkse visinama od 300. do 1800. metara nadmorske visine . Saola je teška do 90. kg . A poznata je po smedje -braon krznu koje ima belu prugu na ledjima . Rogovima koji su povijeni unazad .Živi u skupinama od dve - tri jedinke . A najblizi srodni je domace govece i bizon.

Veoma mali broj se nalazi u NACIONALNOM PARKU     PHANG NHA KE BANG


Saola or Asian unicorn is a type of cattle that is very vulnerable and is threatened with extinction. He lives on the border of Vietnam and Laos in the monsoon summits of an elevated elevation from 300 to 1800 meters above sea level. Saola is heavy up to 90 kg. And she is famous for the brown-brown fur that has a white strip on her back. Horns that are tilted backwards. They live in groups of two - three individuals. And the closest relatives are homemade cucumber and buffalo.

A very small number is located in PHANG NHA KE BANG NATIONAL PARK

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