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PTICA RUGALICA - Mockingbird


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ptica rugalica- mockingbird

PTICA RUGALICA je jedna veoma retka ptica kojoj preti izumiranje . Ova ptica je veoma pametna i ume da imitira 40. zvukova .Ono što je veoma interesanto je da mogu da zapamte ljude koje im ruše gnezda . vrlo su retke osvetoljubive kada brane svoja gnezda.
i imaju   status ugroženosti .

Prava ptica pevacica 


Mockingbird is one very rare bird that is threatened with extinction. This bird is very smart and knows how to imitate the 40th sound. What is very interesting is that you can remember the people who are destroying their nest. they are very rarely vindictive when defending their nest.
and have the status of vulnerability.

Real bird singer

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