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Резултат слика за šimpanza


Šimpanza je veoma intelegentna zivotinja , najslicniji su ljudima .
Naseljava prasume Afrike .
Šimpanze su vegetarijaci . Najvise provode vreme putujuci u malim grupama . hodaju cetvoronoske .
Zenke nose 8 mesci , majka nosi mladunce do 6 meseci na stomaku , a posle na ledjima , doji ih do 4 godine .
 Pubertet nastaje oko 7 sedam godina , sto znaci da oni ostaju uz majku bar jos dve tri godine , sto znaci do 10. God.
Zive u malim i velikim grupama , velike grupe broje i do 150 clanova .


Chimpanze is a very intelligent animal, the most elegant to humans.
It settles African pigs.
Chimpanze are vegetarians. They spend most of their time traveling in small groups. they walk four-way.
Females carry 8 months, the mother carries the cubs up to 6 months on the stomach, and afterwards on their back, they are breastfed up to 4 years.
  Puberty is about 7 years old, which means that they stay with their mother for at least two more years, which means up to 10 years.
Living in small and large groups, large groups count up to 150 members.


Majmun Sami je stigao u BG vrt 1988.

Mislim da je to bio  najpoznatiji stanovnik nešeg zoo vrta  .
Velka šipanza koja jestigla u nas zoo. Veoma intelegentana zivotinja koja je vrlo brzo naučila da slusa i čisti svoj kavez .
Svima nama je poznato da je sada vec preminuli direktor BG zoo vrta Vuk Bojovic prvi kome je on prisao i koga je najvise slusao .

Prilikom njegovog bekstva iz zoo vrta ,  šetnjom Beogradskim ulicama .

A bezao je dva puta .

 Sami je uginuo 11. 9. 1992.

 A u vrtu je postavljena njegova bista

                                  ovo smo ja i SamI

Monkey Sami arrived in BG Garden in 1988.

I think it was the best-known resident of a real zoo. A great chip stand in our zoo. A very intelligent animal who quickly learned to listen and cleanse her cage.

We are all aware that now the director of the BG ZOO Vuk Bojovic has passed away, the first to whom he had come in and whom he listened most.

During his escape from the zoo of the garden,and walking through the Belgrade streets.

And he had a fight twice.

  Sami died on September 11, 1992.

  And his garden was set in the garden

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