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Резултат слика за šakal slike

 Šakal je životinja koja je nasličnija vuku. 

Kratka njuška , kratka dlaka i veliki debeo rep . Krzno žuto braon boje.

Težina odraslog šakala je oko 15.kg.

Hrane se čime stignu , veoma su  su plašljive zivotinnje ali ipak često napadaju i domaće životinje.

Ženka okoti oko 8. mladunaca u proleće. 

Zanimljivo je da šakali kada padne noć oglašava ju se kao male bebe .
 Imate utisak da su bebe u šumi U Starom Kostolcu mestu u kom sam ja odrasla ima ih  sumi preko reke Mlave .Čuju se tako kao da su  u dvoristu 



The jackal is an animal that is more famous wolf.

Short snout, short hair and large thick tail. Furry yellow brown.

Weight of an adult jacket is about 15.kg.

Foods are coming, they are very scary animals, but domestic animals are often attacked.

A female curses around the 8th cubs in the spring.

It is interesting that the jackals when the night falls are advertised as small babies.
  You have the impression that the babies in the forest In Stari Kostolac, where I am grown up, they suspect them over the Mlava River. They are seen as if they are in the yard

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