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PRUGASTI TULJAN - Striped syringe


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prugasti tuljan 

Kako je sad božić i Nova godina , evo jedne životinje sa Severnog pola. 
Pripada porodici pravih tuljana.
Prugasti tuljan je veoma retka zivotinja zivi samo na Severnom  polu kako kazu da ih ima oko 400. 
Ova snezna zivotinja ima na sebi tri pstena bele boje , koji se lepo vide jer je krzno tamno ( crno). jedan prsten je na vratu , drugi na struku i treci na repu . 
Dobar ronilac koji moze da zaroni i do 200 m u dubinu. Nisu drustvene zivotin , vole samocu , mali se radjaju potpuno beli . 

Striped syringe

How is Christmas and New Year, here is one animal from the North Pole.

It belongs to the family of real seals.

Striped syringe is a very rare animal living only in the North Pole to say that there are about 400 of them.

This snowy animal has three fingers of white color, which are beautifully seen because the fur is dark (black). one ring is on the neck, the other on the waist and the third on the tail.

A good diver who can dive up to 200 m in depth. They are not a social animal, they love a solitary, the little ones are completely white.

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