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Zasevica je prirodni rezervat u Srbiji gde su nastanjene veoma retke i edemske biljke i životinje .
I kao takav dobio je i naziv SPECIJALNI REZERVAT . Nalazi se u blizini Sremske Mitrovica (oko 20km.) Prostire se na 1825 hektara, veoma lepo i plodno zemljište sa bujnom vegetacijom . Ovde je dom pronaslo 25 . vrsta riba , 180. vrsta prica , mnogo sisara , beskicmenjaka. Da je ova voda veoma cista i nezagadjena potvdjuje i prisustvo evropskog dabra .

Biolozi su nedavno otkrili jednu veoma retku vrstu ribe UMBRA KRAMERI .


Сродна слика

Ova veoma retka vrsta ribe je i prava edemska vrsta . U narodu je poznata kao mrguda . Mresti se u prolece , polnu zrelost dostize s adve godine .Na ledjima je tamne ili tamnocrene boje . Po telu ima tame pege . Zanimljivo je da ona na vlaznom mestu moze da bude bez vode i do 10. sati . 


Zasevica is a natural reserve in Serbia where very rare and edema plants and animals are inhabited.

And as such, it was named SPECIAL RESERVATION. It is located near Sremska Mitrovica (about 20km.) It extends to 1825 hectares, a very beautiful and fertile land with a rich vegetation. Here, the home found 25. type of fish, 180th type of story, many mammals, invertebrates. That this water is very clean and uninvited is confirmed by the presence of the European beaver.

Biologists have recently discovered a very rare type of fish UMBRA KRAMERI.


Резултат слика за UMBRA KAMERI ribe

This very rare species of fish is a true edema species. It is known to the people as haggard. They grow in spring, full maturity reach from adve year. On the back is dark or dark-colored. There are fangs on the body. It is interesting that it can be without water at the humid place until 10 am.

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