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NE LOVI - NE UBIJAJ - NE ZAGADJUJ-No catches-DO NOT KILL-Do not pollute

  • NE LOVI 

Ovo je blog koji je posvećen životinjama , neke od njih su veoma retke . 
  • Naciolana geografija podrzava projekte koji omogućavaju i pruzaju ugroženim vrstama zastitu kao  i njihov opstanak . 
  • Nesto sto je veoma bitno je da svaka od odvih vrsta  velikom merom ugrozena od strane coveka . Na Balkanu ima veliki broj ugrozenih vrsta koje treba zastititi . 
  • U saradnji sa nacionalnim parkovima i prikupljanjem pomoci za ugrozene.

Сродна слика

  • . Hajde da radimo i pomognemo zivotinjama a samim tim zastitimo i prirodu . 

  • No catches
  • Do not pollute

This is a blog dedicated to animals, some of which are very rare.
Naciolana Geography supports projects that enable and provide endangered species protection as well as their survival.
Something that is very important is that each of the lower species is greatly endangered by a man. There are many endangered species in the Balkans that need to be protected.
In cooperation with national parks and collecting aid for endangered.

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