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GRIVASTI VUK -JUZNA AMERIKA - Grievous wolf-South America

GRIVASTI VUK- Magelanov pas

Резултат слика за bolivija zivotinje
Grivasti vuk je sisar iz porodice pasa .Staniste su mu sume i travnbate povrsine Juzne Amerike ( Bolivija , Brazil , Peru  ).Ugrozena je vrsta . 
Ova vuk je veoma romantican , parnera ima za ceo zivot, mama na svet donese od 2-5 mladunaca koji sazrevaju za godinu dana .
zivotni vek ove zivotinje je oko16. god. 
 Ono sto ovu zivotinju veoma ugrozava je sama cinjenica da su je lovili zbog ociju , jer su smatrali da su te oci amajlija i donose srecu.


Grievous wolf     -Magellan dog

The wolf wolf is a mammal from the family of dogs. The stables are the forests and grasslands of South America (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru). The species is endangered.
This wolf is very romantic, has a partner for a lifetime, and mother brings to the world 2-5 young men who mature in a year.
life span of this animal is around16. year.
  What really undermines this animal is the very fact that they were hunted because of their eyes, because they thought that those eyes were amulets and brought happiness.

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