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ALIGATOR KORNJAČA - Turtle alligator


Aligator kornjače su stanovnici slatkih voda rečnog ekositema Sjedinjenih Američkih država .Ova vrsta je vceoma retka i pod zastitom je od izumiranja i nalazi se na crvenoj listi  . Ima veliku snagu , a veoma je vesta u kamuflazi jer tako dok je pod vodom , podseca na slge i blato privlaci plen . 
Moze biti tesko oko 45 kg . Velika velika kornjaca 

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Turtle alligator

Turtle alligator is the inhabitants of the fresh water of the river ecosystem of the United States of America. This species is almost rare and under protection is from extinction and is on the red list. It has great power, and it is very aware of the camouflage, because as it is under water, it resembles the slugs and the mud attracts prey.

It can be roughly 45 kg. Big big turtles

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