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Ova guska prelepih boja naseljava Evroazijskli prostor . Svoja gnezda pravi na severnoj polulopti Artik i Sibir , Najcesce je to Tajmir poluostrvo . Dok zime provodi u nasem komsiluku Bugarskoj i Rumunijji . Zive u kolonijama , jedno tako su i sigurne. Ona je najmanja od svih gusaka sa duzino do 55 cm . nalazi se na listi ugrozenih pa je tako u zemljama kojimase srece zasticena zakonom . 

This geese of beautiful colors inhabits the Eurasian space. It creates its nest on the northern hemisphere Artik and Siberia, most often it is the Tajmir peninsula. While he is spending winter in our neighbor Bulgaria and Romania. They live in colonies, one is so safe. It is the smallest of all geese with a length of up to 55 cm. It is on the list of vulnerable ones, so in the countries where the happiness is protected, the law is protected.

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