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PIGMI SLON SA BORNEA -- Pigme Elephant from Borneo


Kada pomislimo na slona uglavnom mislmo na velikog , veelikog slona sa velikom surlom i velkikim usima..

Ono sto je veoma interesntno da slonova ima i na najvecem ahripelagu ostva tj u  Idoneziji

 Evo jedne zanimljivosti .

Ima jedan mali slon koji nije tako popularan kao svoj rodjak , i malo sta se zna o njemu a to je mali patuljasti slon sa ostrva Borneo u Undoneziji 
Dugo vremena su bili sklonjeni od ociju javnosti . 

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Pigmi slon sa Bornea

Tamo zivi jedna posebna vrsta slonova PIGMI  koja nije tako velika . Borneo pigmi slon zivi samo na ostvu BORNEO 
Mali sloncici okruglog lica , sa repovima koji su skoro do zemlje . kako je Ostrvo Borneo obiluje bujnom vegetacijom tako ovi sloncici bas uzivaju . 

Ali to je Indonezija .

Pigme Elephant from Borneo

When we think of an elephant, we are mainly thinking of a big, big elephant with a large syllable and a large crop.

What is very interesting is that the elephants also have the largest acrylic acidity in Idoms

  Here's an interesting one.

He has one little elephant that is not as popular as his cousin, and little is known of him, and that is a small dwarf elephant from the island of Borneo in Undonaisia

For a long time they were removed from the public eye.

There is a special kind of PIGMI elephant that is not so big. Borneo pigmi elephant lives only on the edge of the BORNEO
A small, round face, with tails almost to the ground. As Island of Borneo is abundant with lush vegetation, these elephants enjoy it.

But it is Indonesia.

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