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                                                                  This beautiful manta ray


To prelepo biće Manta raža je  stanovnik tropskih mora.

Džinovske raže su veoma  inteligentne, prepoznaju ljude. Njihova veličina ih svrstava u divove ali njihova pitoma narav nikako nije pretnja za ljude .

Telo im spljošteno, nа prvi pogled romboidnog oblikа.
Velika manta je najveća raža na svetu, ponekad je teška i preko 1 300 kg , dužine i  do7 metara .Za razliku od ostalih raža, koje žive uglavnom pri dnu mora, mante plivaju blizu povrsine vode a hrane se planktonima .
Ponekad    mante plivaju u grupama  na glavi sa obe strane imaju rogove  .

Ono sto je veoma zanimljivo za njih je da u moru dok plivaju su pravi majstori akrobate.One plivaju kao da lete pa su tako dobile i naziv da su morski golubovi .

Naucniici i biolozi tvrde da je ostao veoma mali broj raža u morskim  vodama. Tako da one spadaju u ugroženu vrstu i zakonom je zabranjeno loviti ih  . U Kini se koriste u medicini , pa zato vrede pravo bogatstvo.

 This beautiful manta ray

This beautiful creature Manta raga is a tropical sea resident.

Giant rye is very intelligent, recognizes people. Their size places them in giants, but their piety is by no means a threat to humans.

Their body is flattened, at first glance a rhomboidal shape.
The big manta is the largest rays in the world, sometimes it is heavy and over 1,300 kg, length and up to 7 meters. Unlike other rays, which live mostly at the bottom of the sea, mantles swim near the surface of the water and are eating plankton.
Sometimes manteans swim in groups on the head on both sides have horns.

What is very interesting for them is that in the sea as they swim are the true masters of acrobats. They swim like they fly so they got the name that they are sea pigeons.

Scientists and biologists claim that there is a very small number of rays in seawater. So they are in an endangered species and it is forbidden to hunt them by law. In China they are used in medicine, so they are worth the fortune.

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