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Najveci prirodni rezervat smesten je kineskoj provinciji Secuan. Taj veliki rezervat je i pokusaj da se na neki nacin spasi od izumiranja veliki  meda crno bele boje.

Zanimljivo vezano za pandu je takodje i to da je  panda jedna od najugrozenijih vrsta ima ih oko 1600 jedinki . Neznatno manje po zoo vrtovima sirom sveta . Ali samo da znate da kinezi svoje velike mede izdaju zoloskim vrtovima sirom sveta i da je to veoma skupo po nekoliko miliona dolara , na odredjeni vremenmski rok . Salu na stranu ja bih rado platila da vidim tog velikog medveda . 

tek rodjena panda
Spada u grupu biljojeda a glavna hrana mu je bambus , koji naravno jedu dok sede jer su tako  lenje zivotnje.Velike i lenje životinje koje po ceo dan sede i odmaraju . Ženke su te koje brane teritorije dok muzijacima to i nije toliko bitno.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ono sto mnogi neznaju da je mladunce pande tesko oko 100 gr. da se neretko desava da majka rodi blizance od kojih jedno skoro uvek odbacuje , naravno ono slabije . 

Jos nekoliko zanimljivosti da li ste znali da mede pande ne spavaju svoj zimski san . 

Сродна слика
mama i beba


The largest natural reserve is located in the Chinese province of Secuan. This great reserve is also an attempt to save himself in some way from the extinction of a big honey black and white.

Interesting about the panda is also that the panda is one of the most endangered species with about 1600 individuals. Slightly smaller in zoo gardens around the world. But only to know that the Chinese publish their big honey to gardens around the world, and that it is very expensive for several million dollars, for a certain timeframe. Salu aside, I would like to pay to see this big bear.

It belongs to the group of herbivores, and the main food is bamboo, which naturally eat while sitting because they are so lazy of life. Large and lazy animals that sit and rest all day. Females are those who defend the territory while musicians are not so important.
                                                                                                                                                                    What many do not know is that the young cubs are about 100 gr. that often happens that a mother gives birth to twins, one of whom almost always rejects, of course, the weaker.

A few more interesting facts about whether you knew that the panda's meds did not sleep their winter dream.

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