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Резултат слика за AMURSKI LEOPARD

AMURSKI ili SIBIRSKI  LEOPARD je veoma ugrožena podvrsta leoparda koji živi u šumama Sibira . Istrašivači veruju da je ostalo svega 32 . jedinke . Životni vek ovog leoparda u prirodi je 10-15 god. dok u zarobljeništvu je oko 20. god. Težina ove mačke je do 45. kg, dok ima i primeraka mužijaka koji su teški do 70. kg . Mama tigar nosi mladuce do 12 nedelja , najčešće se rađaju dva u retkim situacijama  4. Ostaju sa majkom dve godine .
Ono po čemu s ova mačka odvaja je bledo žua boja krza i guste cre mrlje po telu . 


AMURIC or SIBERIAN LEOPARD is a very endangered subspecies of leopards living in the Siberian forests. The researchers believe that only 32 remained. individuals. The life span of this leopard in nature is 10-15 years. while in captivity it is about 20 years old. The weight of this cat is up to 45 kg, while there are also specimens of mothers who are heavy to 70 kg. Mom's tiger carries a baby for up to 12 weeks, most often two are born in rare situations. 4. They stay with their mother for two years.
What makes this cat apart is the pale yellow color of the fur and the dense crescent stains on the body.



Резултат слика за tasmanijski tigar

Tasmanijski TIGAR ili tilacin  , torbar koji je ziveo na teritoriji Australije , Nove Gvineje i Tasmanije . Dolaskom novih predatora  on je vremenom postao edemska vrsta i jedino je ziveo na Tasmaniji . Torbar koji je poprimao izgled zivotinja iz okruzenja. . Kod tilacina i muzijak i zenka imaju torbe .Kako su ga biolozi i zoolozi opisali on je velicine psa , ima kratku dlaku , na zadnjem delu  nalazilo se od 13-21 pruga i krut rep . Ženke su radjale do tri mladunceta koje su nosile u svojoj torbi do tri meseca : Životni vek ovog torbara je od 5-7 godina . POJEDINI NAUCNICI VERUJU DA PO NEKI PRIMERAK JOS ZIVI U DIVLJINAMA TASMANIJE .


A Tasmanian TIGAR  or a thiacin, a torch that lived on the territory of Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. By the arrival of new predators, he eventually became an edema and only lived in Tasmania. Torbar who took on the appearance of animals from the environment. . In the case of tilacine, mussels and females have bags. As described by biologists and zoologists, he has dog sizes, short hair, and on the back there were 13-21 streaks and a rigid tail. The females worked up to three young men who wore in their bag for up to three months: The lifetime of this bag is from 5-7 years.INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS BELIEVE THAT, BY A SOME WAY, YES LIVE IN THE TASMANY'S DIVINE.




Ova guska prelepih boja naseljava Evroazijskli prostor . Svoja gnezda pravi na severnoj polulopti Artik i Sibir , Najcesce je to Tajmir poluostrvo . Dok zime provodi u nasem komsiluku Bugarskoj i Rumunijji . Zive u kolonijama , jedno tako su i sigurne. Ona je najmanja od svih gusaka sa duzino do 55 cm . nalazi se na listi ugrozenih pa je tako u zemljama kojimase srece zasticena zakonom . 

This geese of beautiful colors inhabits the Eurasian space. It creates its nest on the northern hemisphere Artik and Siberia, most often it is the Tajmir peninsula. While he is spending winter in our neighbor Bulgaria and Romania. They live in colonies, one is so safe. It is the smallest of all geese with a length of up to 55 cm. It is on the list of vulnerable ones, so in the countries where the happiness is protected, the law is protected.

ALIGATOR KORNJAČA - Turtle alligator


Aligator kornjače su stanovnici slatkih voda rečnog ekositema Sjedinjenih Američkih država .Ova vrsta je vceoma retka i pod zastitom je od izumiranja i nalazi se na crvenoj listi  . Ima veliku snagu , a veoma je vesta u kamuflazi jer tako dok je pod vodom , podseca na slge i blato privlaci plen . 
Moze biti tesko oko 45 kg . Velika velika kornjaca 

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Turtle alligator

Turtle alligator is the inhabitants of the fresh water of the river ecosystem of the United States of America. This species is almost rare and under protection is from extinction and is on the red list. It has great power, and it is very aware of the camouflage, because as it is under water, it resembles the slugs and the mud attracts prey.

It can be roughly 45 kg. Big big turtles



Резултат слика за kapibara
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Kapibara je najveći glodaar na svetu živi u Južnoj Ameici (Brazil , Venecuela  ), umiljata , inteligentna i nežna životinjna . Koja utehu i spas traži u vodi , a mnogi je imaju i kao kućnog lčjubimca  . To je 4 u 1  životinja  laju , skaču , zvižde .Teške su do 60kg i vole život u krdima , gde je mužijak dominantan . 
U svakom slučaju jedna lepa životinja sa osmehom .

Ja hoću jednu ali je nema .

Резултат слика за kapibara

Capibara is the world's largest glacier inhabitant in South America (Brazil, Venezuela), umbrella, intelligent and delicate animal. Which consolation and salvation is required in the water, and many have it as a home lamb. It's 4 in 1 animals barking, jumping, whistling. The teas are up to 60kg and they love life in their herds, where the male is dominant.

Anyway, one beautiful animal with a smile.

I want one, but it's gone.

Kerrievski plavi terijer - Kerry's blue terrier

Kerrievski plavi terijer 

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kerrievski plavi terijer 

Kerrievski plavi terijer  je pas koji je posato nacionalni simbol Irske .Lepo razvijen pas plavičaste boje . Brz i snažan pas veoma je dobar lovac vidri i pacova . Ima dugu dlaku na njusci i gustu talasastu  dlaku po  celom telu . Veseo i mio pas koji je postao cenjen u drustvu .

Kerry's blue terrier

Kerry's blue terrier is a dog that is planted as the national symbol of Ireland. A beautiful blossom belt is developed. A quick and powerful dog is a very good hunter of otters and rats. It has a long coat on the muzzle and a thick wavy coat all over the body. A cheerful and mature dog that has become a respected one in society.



Резултат слика за Australski numbat

Nunbat je torbar iu Australije . Prelepi torbar vecine do 27cm , odrasla jedinka je teska do 550 grama . Zanimljivo je da oni imaju 50-52 zuba . Hrane se termitima .Boja krzna je sivo-smedje do crvenkasto.A zivotni vek je do 6. god. Na ledjima ima od 6-12 belih ili bledih pruga .Ovom drevnom torbaru koji je veoma redak preti izumiranje . 


Резултат слика за Australski numbat

Nunbat is a torba in Australia. A beautiful towel of up to 27cm, an adult is heavy up to 550 grams. Interestingly, they have 50-52 teeth. It feeds on termites. Color of fur is gray-brown to reddish. Life's life is up to 6 years. On the back there are 6-12 white or pale stripes. This ancient torch, which is very rare, is threatened with extinction




Резултат слика за nacionalni park kopaonik

Nacionalni park Kopaonik je jedno od najlepsih parkova  Republike Srbije. 1981. godine Kopaonik je proglašen za nacionalni park, površine od 11.810 hektara a tu su staniste nasle i mnoge edemicne vrste . 

U 19. veku Nacioonalni park  Kopaoniku je bio dom mogim zivotinjama koje vise ne zive tamo a to su : medved, ris, divokoza, tetreb, kuna, vidra, srna, jazavac… najvise u NP kopaonik ima ptica 166 vrste . 


Резултат слика за KRSTOKLJUN

KRSTOKLJUN JE ptica koja je ime dobila po kljunu koji se preksta u dnu . Prelepa ptica koja je kod nas spada u zasticene vrste . Teska oko 60 gr. velika do 30. cm

Gnjezda prave dva puta godišnje na četinarskim stablima, a najčešće polažu 3-5 jaja. Inkubacija traje 13 dana. zenke imaju sivozeleno perije dok muzijaci imaju nezno narandzaste boje perije . lepe , mirne i drustvene ptice .


Резултат слика за nacionalni park kopaonik

Kopaonik National Park is located in the central part of the Republic of Serbia. In 1981, Kopaonik was proclaimed a national park, an area of 11,810 hectares, and there were many edemic species here.

In the 19th century, the National Park Kopaonik was home to a number of animals that are no longer living there: bear, lynx, lynx, tetreb, kuna, otter, deer, badger ... most of the NP kopanik has 166 bird species.

KRSTOKLJUN is a bird that has got its name by the beak that cuts into the bottom. A beautiful bird that belongs to us in protected species. Tough about 60 gr. up to 30 cm

Nests are made twice a year on coniferous trees, and most often they lay 3-5 eggs. Incubation takes 13 days. The females have gray-green feathers while the muzzlers have a gentle orange-colored feather. beautiful, peaceful and social birds.

Резултат слика за KRSTOKLJUN
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Patuljasti glatki kit - Dwarf smooth whale


Caperea marginata 3.jpg

Ovi kitovi žive u subantartickoj naseljavaju južnu poluloptu  ,malo se zna o tome koliko ih ima . 
Patuljasti pravi kit, tajanstveni životinja  koji veoma retko izlazi na površinu, poslednji je živi rođak jedne drevne grupe kitova za koju se dugo verovalo da je izumrla.
 Zanimljivo je da ovaj mali kit od oko 6. metara I težine do 6. tona  .
Veoma je mali u pdnosu na svoje rodjake . Boja mu je od tamnoplave do crne . I zanimljivo je da ima 34 rebra vise od bilo kog kita  živi na otvorenom moru 

Dwarf smooth whale

.These whales live in the Subantaric inhabited by the southern hemisphere, little is known about how much they have.

A genuine real whale, a mysterious animal that very rarely comes to the surface, is the last living relatives of an ancient group of whales that have long been believed to have died out.

  Interestingly, this small kit is about 6 meters and weighs up to 6 tons.

He is very small in his relationship with his relatives. His color is from dark blue to black. And it is interesting that there are 34 ribs more than any whale living on the open sea.



Сродна слика
Ova prelepa životinja poslednji put je vidjena 1983. god. godinama a kasnije su pokusavali da je otkriju na visinama od 150-300 metara nadmorkse visine ,  uzalud . Kamere nisu zabelezile njegovo postojanje . Postoji nekoliko zivotinja u zoo vrtovima koje su mu bliski rodjaci . 
mala zivorinja do 20, kg i velika do 90.cm . živeli su na drvecu. 
ova vrsta je edmeska tj . vodi se jos uvek da je izumrla. 
Lovljena je zbog svog prelepog krzna , tako da ih je njihova lepota skupo kostala . 


Резултат слика за tajvanski oblacasti leopard

This beautiful animal was last seen in 1983. years later, and later they tried to discover it at altitudes of 150-300 meters above sea level, in vain. Cameras did not record its existence. There are several animals in zoo gardens that are close to him.

small animals up to 20, kg and large to 90. They lived on a tree.

this species is an edema, it's still running out.

She was hunted for her beautiful fur, so that their beauty cost them a bit.



Zlatni prćastonosi majmun (Pygathrix roxellana)

 Ova veoma retka vrsta majmuna zivi u planinskim delovima kine kao i i u  rezervetu Šennongđija u centralnoj kineskoj provinciji .  Veliki broj naucnika radi na ocuvanju ove vepoma retke vrste . I kao takvi oni su zakonom zasticeni . Ovi prelepi primati kratkog nosa , jarko narandzaste -zlatne boje krzna zive u grupama.Veliki su do 75.cm a duzina repa im je ista kao i telo . Spavaju  i zivi na drvetu retko kad silaze  dole . Dobri roditelji koji brinu o mladima .

CHINESE  Golden Monkey

Zlatni prćastonosi majmun (Pygathrix roxellana)

This very rare species of monkeys lives in the mountainous parts of China, as well as in the Shannonghi reserve in the central Chinese province. A large number of scientists are working to preserve this rare species. And as such, they are protected by law. These beautiful hands are short-nose, bright orange-colored fur live in groups. Large to 75cm and the tail's length is the same as the body. They sleep and live on a tree rarely when they come down. Good parents who care about the young.

NE LOVI - NE UBIJAJ - NE ZAGADJUJ-No catches-DO NOT KILL-Do not pollute

  • NE LOVI 

Ovo je blog koji je posvećen životinjama , neke od njih su veoma retke . 
  • Naciolana geografija podrzava projekte koji omogućavaju i pruzaju ugroženim vrstama zastitu kao  i njihov opstanak . 
  • Nesto sto je veoma bitno je da svaka od odvih vrsta  velikom merom ugrozena od strane coveka . Na Balkanu ima veliki broj ugrozenih vrsta koje treba zastititi . 
  • U saradnji sa nacionalnim parkovima i prikupljanjem pomoci za ugrozene.

Сродна слика

  • . Hajde da radimo i pomognemo zivotinjama a samim tim zastitimo i prirodu . 

  • No catches
  • Do not pollute

This is a blog dedicated to animals, some of which are very rare.
Naciolana Geography supports projects that enable and provide endangered species protection as well as their survival.
Something that is very important is that each of the lower species is greatly endangered by a man. There are many endangered species in the Balkans that need to be protected.
In cooperation with national parks and collecting aid for endangered.



Резултат слика за Albatros

Albatros je ptica koju najkcesce mozemo srecti u subpolarnim morima . Pravi romanticari vaze za vece romantike od ljudi  klaka pronadju svog partnera svo vreme posvecuju jedno drugom zato i vaze za vcelike romantike . Polnu zrelost dostižu sa 10. godina .Oba roditelja leze na jajetu  70 dana , hrane ga iz svog kljuna , za odprilike 3 meseca mali ptic je vec porastao pa ga roditelji nehrane tako cesto . Pare s svake ddruge godine . Citave kolonije Albatrosa za vreme leta se vracaju na ostrvo Južna Georegija .


Сродна слика

Albatros is a bird that we can most easily encounter in subpolar seas. The true romantics of the vase for the more romantic of the people call for the finding of their partner all the time consecrate to each other, and therefore they are vase for the vices of romance. Full maturity reaches the age of 10. Both parents have been feeding on the egg for 70 days, feeding it from their beak, in about 3 months, small birds have already risen, so parents are feeding him so often. Money from every year of the year. The entire Albatros colony of colonies returns to the island of South Georegia during the summer.